Be The 400th Student At The School Of Cymatics And Win A Free DIY Cymatics Course

February 11, 2013

I am pleased to announce that the School of Cymatics is on the verge of accepting our 400th student!
We are only 2 slots away, and if you are the 400th to be admitted you will win a copy of my new DIY cymatics course, “How To Make A Cymatic Voicebox.”
The School of Cymatics is an [...]

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Cymatics Devices: Four Models That Work

February 8, 2013

Recently a reader wrote in to ask what the difference is between a cymatics device that uses a membrane and a cymatics device that uses metal. There is also sometimes confusion about whether to use a speaker or another type of sound source with metal, etc. Here is a definitive answer.
Below are photos of [...]

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Cymatics Images Of Sacred Chant Recorded Inside Great Pyramid

February 4, 2013

Stephen Halpern collaborated with CymaScope inventors John Stuart Reid and Erik Larson to record this video of the cymatics images created by his “sacred chant” recorded inside the Great Pyramid of Giza.
The cymatics images here reveal not only the cymatics created by Halpern’s voice but also of the acoustics inside the Great Pyramid.
You can hear [...]

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Cymatics On BreakThru Radio

January 31, 2013

Cymatics has been featured on a popular online radio station including interviews with Jodina Meehan, Jeff Volk and John Stuart Reid.
Margaret Jacobi of BreakThru Radio conducted the interviews and wrote this article which includes photos of work by Meehan, Reid, and Alexander Lauterwasser.
If you are looking for an interesting introduction to cymatics, good cymatics images [...]

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How To Play A Cymatics Plate

January 29, 2013

Recently a cymatics reader from Ireland wrote in with the question, “How can you achieve different notes/patterns?” on a cymatics plate, such as the handheld cymatics violin you see in the video here.
I want to answer that question and also give a couple tips on how to play a cymatics plate, as I [...]

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Cymatics Showcased By Performance Group

January 24, 2013

Musical collective The Stroj has been incorporating cymatics into their stage shows and you can see an example of their highly original work by clicking on the video above.
The Stroj was formed in 1997 in Laško, Slovenia and is known for their striking music performances based on expressive rhythmics, created using non-conventional percussion instruments. [...]

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Cymatics Machine Nominated For Edison Award

January 22, 2013

The AMI750, a “user-friendly device based on the effectiveness of acoustic sound traveling the energy pathways of the meridian system”  has been nominated for an Edison Award, according to Mandara Cromwell, President of Cymatherapy International.
This sound healing machine allows users to rest their feet on supportive gel pads while the body uptakes the sound frequencies [...]

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Cymatics In Barcelona

January 21, 2013

A new cymatics collective in Spain called “Cymatribe” is conducting cymatics experiments and research in their studio downtown in Barcelona.
Orieta Chrem of Cymatribe sent in this cymatics video and says:
“I did an investigation for my school of sound engineering (SAE institute Barcelona) about Cymatics and want to share it with you. Unfortunately is in spanish, [...]

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Björk Cymatics Collaboration

January 16, 2013

Artist Meara O’Reilly has created a new set of original cymatics images for Björk’s Biophilia release, using bass lines and other sounds from individual songs on the album.
The cymatics patterns have since been accompanying Björk on her world tour.
“For this project, cymatic patterns were choreographed and synced to the basslines of songs from the album. The [...]

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NEW! Cymatic Violins Available Today

December 11, 2012

Exciting news!
If you’ve been wanting your own cymatics plate to make cymatics images with, now is the time to get your name on the list…
The editor and artist-in-residence here at the Journal (that’s me) will be going into the studio this week to begin production on the first cymatics violins for sale…and you could be [...]

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