Sound healing is closely tied to cymatics, and in fact I met several M.D. practitioners of sound healing at the Cymatics Conference in Atlanta.
Sound healing practitioners use cymatics, not necessarily in the sense that they are making sound visible (as with cymatics and art), but in that they apply sound to matter in order to shape and change it. For example a sound healing practitioner might use sound applied to the human body, and in recent years there has been an emphasis on scientifically record and report on the results achieved using cymatics for sound healing.
These sound healing practitioners range from doctors to chiropractors to yoga teachers, who state that using cymatics for sound healing often generates results that no other therapy could achieve. Some use highly researched frequencies stored and generated on a machine with specific frequencies recommended for specific diagnoses; others use their own voice and a more intuitive approach to sound healing.
If you are interested in learning more about cymatics and sound healing, here are three good places to start. I met all three of the following practitioners in person at the Cymatics Conference in 2008 and they are great resources for sound healing information:
John Beaulieu is the author of “Music and Sound in the Healing Arts” and uses tuning forks among other techniques for sound healing. Dr. Beaulieu also has a “BioSonics sound school” where you can learn about sound healing yourself. Watch my video interview with Dr. Beaulieu here.
Dr. June Leslie Wieder, Doctor of Chiropractic and author of “Sound of the Spine,” focuses on the “resonance of the spine” and applying specific vibrational frequencies directly to the vertebrae. Watch my video interview with Dr. Wieder here.
Mandara Cromwell is President of Cymatherapy® International, and Director of the Board of the International Sound Therapy Association (ISTA), and director of the International Conference on Cymatics. Her focus is the use of a machine called the Cyma®1000, which generates specific sound frequencies. You can learn more about Mandara Cromwell’s work here.
{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }
Please can you find a practitioner in the New york City area foe my son who is autistic and nonverbal .thank you very much
Dear Jodina,
Great sound healing resources here!
I have been using vibrational sounds in my healing process for about 5 years. Throughout the years I’ve learned much about psychic and healing effects of the music. So far, the greatest discover were Solfeggio frequencies . And thanks to these specific sound frequencies I began immerse myself in the amazing world of cymatics. I’ve watched every single video on your site
But still searching more about the study of wave phenomena.
Can I get info of a cymatics practitioner or scientist in PUNE? MUMBAI?
I am a student in early childhood in Atlanta, Ga. and would like to know more about sound therapy and education. Are their organizations are programs in cymatics in Atlanta, Ga.?
Thank You !
Jodina Meehan Reply:
June 9th, 2012 at 2:08 pm
Mandara Cromwell, the organizer of The Cymatics Conference and a pioneer in cymatherepy
lives in your area. Her website is:
drop her a line and see if she knows of anything in the area…
Hi Jodina,
Want to let you know that I really appreciate the work and research u are making on cymatics! a theme that I also love.
I did an investigation for my school of sound engineering (SAE institute Barcelona) about Cymatics and want to share it with you. Unfortunately is in spanish, cause im in Barcelona but Im sending you also a video that is part of the process of the experiments we did. Now we are a collective of 3 persons, called “Cymatribe” which investigates and experiments with Cymatics.
link to investigation:
link to video:
Hope u like it. Cheers
Hi Jodina, nice to see this resources site on Cymatics.
We designed and manufactured Cymatic healing instruments and accessories for Dr Peter Manners, a pioneer in Sound Healing.
We are at
Please send me this info via email, and I may do a post about it.
This is a bit long for a comment. But my readers may be interested. thanks,