Sound Healing Conference: Live Cymatics Images of Throat Singing, Coyote, Dove

by Jodina Meehan on January 21, 2010

This is a clip that John Stuart Reid just sent me of a cymatics demonstration at the International Sound Healing Conference. Watch it and you will see the cymatics form of throat singing (overtone singing), a dove, a coyote, and a cello, as well as others.

In the video John is doing the speaking, and Erik Larson can be seen standing to his left. John and Erik are co-creators of the world’s first CymaScope, which you can also see in front of the film screen.

You may remember from previous posts that John Stuart Reid is working to create a “dolphin alphabet” using images from cymatics. He has also informed me that he has recently completed an image of the “song of the sun” which was recorded by the SOHO spacecraft, then transferred to the CymaScope to create the image. I will be featuring this image soon so keep your eye out!

P.S. You can build your own DIY cymatics device to see sounds similar to the footage you see here in about 30 minutes. Download free instructions here.


{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Timberwolf January 30, 2010 at 1:23 pm

I think this is a wonderful new science. In fact I thought it was so impressive, I reviewed John Stuart Reid’s site, in an article titled Decoding the Language of the Universe Through Cymatics. I highly recommend checking out there site as it is full of wonderful information about ‘cymatics’.




singing bowls June 13, 2010 at 11:06 am

Fantastic! Thanks for including the link to the instructions for building the cymatics device.



Rita and Phil July 27, 2011 at 2:36 pm

Music to our ears – pardon the pun. Sound Therapy is heralded as modern discovery but of course it isn’t, modrn science is just catching up to what the ancients have known all along. What a majickal dance of syncronicity to be guided to your uplifting site. We were preparing some free images for a workshop on sound healing and gathering some links for the group to check out found you. WONDERFUL . Please let us knw when the next conference is, sound heaing is our passion and we are overjoyed always to fond more on the same path. Thank you for the wonderful work you do. Blessings

Rita and Phil



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