Cymatics Patterns: As Seen On National Geographic’s Brain Games

August 19, 2014

Welcome to the amazing world of cymatics, the art and science of turning sound waves visible!
In this short video, cymatics artist Jodina Meehan, who recently made a guest appearance on National Geographic’s Brain Games, demonstrates how to make sound visible using just a metal plate and a violin bow:

Want to learn more about cymatics? Join [...]

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National Geographic: Brain Games Episode “Patterns” Airing Tonight

August 18, 2014

Hey cymatics fans, I’ve been sworn to secrecy, and so I can’t tell you any more than this. BUT…here’s the scoop. Watch the Brain Games Episode “Patterns” on the National Geographic channel tonight, at 9:00 pm EST, and you’re in for a treat!
Click here or on the image above to learn more about the [...]

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Cymatics Ceramics: Exciting New Cymatics Art From Lithuania

June 26, 2014

This is a post by Journal editor Jodina Meehan Egle Sidlauskaite, a recent graduate with a Master’s Degree from Vilnius Academy of Arts in Lithuania, is combining cymatics with ceramics and achieving some stunning results as shown in these images.

In describing her working methods, she says she decorates the plates with an overglaze [...]

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Special Events Friday, June 6th 2014: CYMATICS OPEN STUDIO!

June 5, 2014

Announcing a CYMATICS OPEN STUDIO this Friday, June 06 2014 with cymatics artist Jodina Meehan.
Looking for family-friendly events and activities this Friday, June 6th 2014? Come to the cymatics open studio!
Cymatics is the demonstration of sound-made-visible and seeing sound come to life, and watching beautiful geometric designs right before your eyes is [...]

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Cymatics “Pods” To Be Used In Innovative New Hotel Design

May 24, 2014

Editor’s note by Jodina Meehan: John Stuart Reid recently sent in this exciting news announcement about a hotel in Mexico that is incorporating cymatics in their room design:
The CymaScope team was recently approached by, designers of the Amma Center in Mexico, a ground-breaking project that will house hotel guests in ecologically designed pods.
Believed [...]

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“Pulses” Video By Karmin Showcases Cymatics

March 31, 2014

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by John Stuart Reid.
The CymaScope team recently worked with Karmin, the pop duo team comprising Amy Heidemann and Nick Noonan who are enjoying growing success in many parts of the world with their unique brand of pop music:

Their Pulses video features a five note sequence and a [...]

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Cymatics In San Diego: LIVE With Jeff Volk

January 29, 2014

Get ready for an amazing LIVE cymatics experience in San Diego this Tuesday, February 4th (2014) from 6-9:pm PST…
“The science of Cymatics shows how audible sound can animate inert powders, pastes and liquids, into coherent forms that appear like living, breathing organisms. This highly engaging program weaves poetry, music, and sacred dance with the science [...]

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Brain Wave Cymatics: Video

August 22, 2013

Eunoia from Lisa Park on Vimeo.
Lisa Park uses her brain waves to create cymatics images directly, in an amazing display of the connection between human, vibration, and cymatics.
Enjoy this 3 minute cymatics video, and if you would like to leave a comment for Lisa please do so below.
Here is what she says about [...]

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How To Get Latex For DIY Cymatic Devices

July 16, 2013

One of the things that seems to hold people up when trying to build their cymatics device is difficulty in finding and purchasing the latex needed to create a membrane on the top of their device.
So I have decided to created a post dedicated to helping you to locate and procure your [...]

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Rosslyn Chapel Cymatics Video

June 22, 2013

Following up on the recent special by the Discovery Channel on the Davinci Code and Cymatics inside the Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, here is a video created by Stuart Mitchell, the composer who translated the symbols on the “cubes” into music.
The cubes shown in the video have symbols carved into them which cymatics experts [...]

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