Well, it’s my birthday and I’m having a party.
But not just any party…it’s a crazy cymatics/kickstarter/chocolate cake party and as a part of the cymatics community here at the Journal, YOU are invited!
This coming Sunday, the 24th of June is my birthday and I’ve decided to hold a giant Cymatics Party downtown at my studio here in Brattleboro, Vermont.
If you live in the area and are interested in cymatics (or are a local friend who wants to see what I’ve been up to the last 5 years) I hope you will dress up in your best party clothes and show up at my studio this Sunday for what promises to be a big vibrational bash, including…
- Live cymatics demonstrations
- Cymatics “stations” where you can try your hand at making cymatics images yourself
- Cymatics videos
- Dance music (being streamed onto the wall as live cymatics)
- Meet The Artist (that’s me
- And, did I mention chocolate cake??
So, if you’ve ever wanted to see cymatics in action, check out my studio, meet me, or just want to get your hands on some cymatic devices to try out for yourself, I hope you will hop in your car and come on over, that’s this Sunday the 24th from 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
BTW please don’t bring a gift, but if you’d like to get me something for my birthday please DO make a contribution to my kickstarter fund here
There’s only 14 days left to hit the goal for funding our cymatics iphone app (and if it doesn’t happen then the app won’t get made) so there’s not much time left…
And having my cymatics kickstarter project succeed is really all I want for my birthday
Thank you so much!!!
Here’s my studio address:
139 Main Street
Brattleboro, Vermont
(you will see the balloons outside on the sidewalk)
Hope to see you there,
- Jodina
P.S. Please RSVP in the comments below. If you can’t make it, feel free to pass this on to a friend who might want to come. OH, and help me spread the word by hitting the facebook/twitter/google+ buttons before you leave this page…
P.P.S. If you want more complete directions let me know in the comments below.
{ 22 comments… read them below or add one }
Hi As I am in UK will not be able to attend but I hope you have a great Birthday!
Adam Reply:
June 23rd, 2012 at 3:48 am
How I wish I could go to your BDay Cymatics party but I live in SoCal. I would love to see your demonstrations too, they sound fun and interactive. As a matter of fact they sound so interesting that I wanted to some how mock up the same settings for an upcoming festival I am involved with called Knowphest http://knowphest.com/ So happy birthday Jodina and thank you for all your wonderful contributions of knowledge and insight to the wonderful world of Cymatics!
I will be at grad school in Ohio starting on Saturday. Thanks for the invite- best of luck with the kickstarter funding! Happy Birthday!
Sorry, I’m in Maryland til July 1st. Have a wonderful birthday. The cake looks delicious. Enjoy!
Happy Birthday! Sounds fun! I live in Alabama, which is a little too far away in the physical plane. I will join you on the sound waves.
Happy Birthday, Jodina!
Sorry I won’t be there. Thank you for all you do. Wishing you many more years of Cymatic Bliss!
Hi Jodina,
I’m sorry to say I won’t be able to make it either. Wish I was closer so I could help you ring in your personal new year good and proper. I would love to meet you and see your studio!! I’ve been spreading the word about your work and your Kickstarter project when and where I can, and will continue to do so.
A very happy birthday to you, birthday girl!!! =D
I’d love to come! I’ve been wanting to meet you for a few years now. What time? Looking forward to it.
Jodina Meehan Reply:
June 20th, 2012 at 7:05 pm
So glad you can come! It will be 4pm-8pm this Sunday. see you then!
Happy – Happy Birthday
I’m too old and it’s a little
farther than I want to
drive at my age.
Hi Jodina! Happy B’day!!! I wish to come but I’m based in London (UK)> Have a good one!!! V.
Happy birth Mrs. Meehan!
Hi. I’m in Florida Jodina. Best to you.
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Jodina,
Happy Birthday to you.
Peace, Tony Slayton
Hello Jodina,
Happy B-Day, thank you for the invite. Not able to make it this time, still teaching Pre Kindergarten till the end of the month. By the way, we have actually taught the children (4-5 yrs old) about cymatics and the amazing shapes that come from vibration and frequency, they were amazed. We go even further and talk about our thoughts that we send out into the world (vibrations) to help create a beautiful world and to take responsibility for our thoughts and creations.
Keep up the great work,
Brett M. Ross
Hey Jodina,
Sounds like an awesome party, so sad to miss it, but being in the U.K , I will not be able to come . Hope you have an amazing day and wonderful year Blessings Kali
Thank you for your invitation. Have a magnificent vibrational birthday.Best wishes from Thailand.
Happy Birthday Jodina!
I would love to come, and I will see if I can make it. I would love to meet you and see all your Cymatic devices… I will try to make it… Hope Kickstarter is going well, I have my fingers crossed for you to meet your goal !!!
Jodina Meehan Reply:
June 22nd, 2012 at 3:14 pm
Yes, I hope you can make it! It would be great to meet you!
Have a wonderful Birthday. I am in Virginia so it looks like I will have to miss it.
Happy birthday Jodina, I really hope it is big fun. Sorry I can’t be there but thinking of you and thanking you for all your amazing work, Love Erika
Hello Jodina I hope you have a great birthday party, I truly wish I could come, but I live in Wales UK . Keep up the good work with the web site I love it. Julie T
Happy Birthday Jodina!
I would love to come but I live in Italy, that’s a little bit far away
Best wishes
Happy Birthday, Jodina! Sounds like a blast – see you soon!
bonjour jodina joyeux annivesaire de la part de gérald en france
happy birthday !
i hope your wish comes true .