Cymatics Party Photos And 8 Days Left…

by Jodina Meehan on June 26, 2012

This past Sunday was my birthday and as you can see we had a lot of fun playing with cymatics devices in my studio downtown. The device you see in the photos is a steel plate on a wave driver, I am playing songs through the amp and driver with my iPhone.

Speaking of iPhones if you haven’t put your name in to get a copy of the cymatics iPhone app yet you should do that now, there are only 8 days left on kickstarter).

As you can see the kids at the party were completely fascinated by the cymatics images and spent the evening playing at the different cymatics “stations” I had set up. (The red-haired baby on my lap and the blond boy right next to her are mine).

There were three different ways to experience cymatics: the wave driver setup you see here, plus a voicebox to sing into with a mic and amp, and a box with two tonascopes on top facing one another so that two people could sing into them and see the difference in their voices.

Thanks to everyone who came and made the party a success, I hope to have more events like this at my studio in the future.

P.S. RED ALERT! My kickstarter campaign for the cymatics iPhone app only has 8 days left! Please go put in a pledge today, because the app will only get funded if we reach our goal before July 4th… We need a big push to put us over the top, so don’t wait, go do it now!

And if you have already pledged, THANK YOU so much! What you can still do is spread the word by “liking” the project here and grabbing the link to it and emailing it out to your friends who might like cymatics. Every new person who sees it helps :-)


{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

John Stuart Reid June 26, 2012 at 2:36 pm

Hi Jodina,
It’s great to see children being inspired in this way. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if some of these children never forget what they saw on the day of your birthday party and go on to become scientists of the future. I very much applaud you work.
All best wishes,
John Stuart Reid


Jodina Meehan Reply:

Thank you John! …and I know where to send them when they want to know all about the science of cymatics: :-)



Gary Robert Buchanan June 26, 2012 at 4:09 pm

Dear Jodina,

Thank you for the pics — and Happy Birthday! Like John, I am certain these beautiful young people will cherish the experience of hearing and seeing your Cymatic creations. Keep up the great work and outreach.

Kindest regards,



Jodina Meehan Reply:

Thank you so much Gary. I really admire your work as well, you have contributed some beautiful videos
to the School of Cymatics! – Jodina



kaba June 27, 2012 at 3:36 pm

Hi Jodina,
I am a researcher at UW Madison Space Science & Eng Dept.
I am very interested in the work you do and I am working on something that relates to what you do during my free times.
I am hoping to meet you some day and bounce ideas off each other.



Jodina Meehan Reply:

Hi Kaba, I would love to know more about what you are working on. Please write more about your work related to cymatics! I hope we can meet as well, but in the meantime tell me more…



nick July 1, 2012 at 4:39 am


You are truely amazing! thank you so much for this amazing information. it is very inspirational. i love the images you have of the shapes you have made with a violin bow! it is amazing that you can make the same electronically. did you make that set up with your ipod and the wave driver yourself? or did you buy the wave driver? i would love to try that myself. thank you again for the fantastic work! keep it up!



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