Kickstarter For Cymatics App Is LIVE!

by Jodina Meehan on June 4, 2012

If you have been looking for a cymatics app for your iphone OR you have always wanted to get your hands on some cymatics equipment so you can experiment with cymatics yourself, I have a very exciting announcement…

At 2:35 pm TODAY the kickstarter for the new cymatics app went LIVE and you can now click on over to kickstarter and get your name in for a copy of the cymatics app for your iphone or ipad…

AND I have some really cool surprises (that I haven’t told anyone about) in the prizes for you – including a rare chance to get a cymatic sounder, a cymatics plate, or other cymatics devices built FOR you and shipped directly to your door. Take a look at what they are and how you can get them here .

But here’s the catch: the way kickstarter works is that we now have just 30 days to make the cymatics app project sink or swim…so go check it out, put your name in for “I want an app!” and then BE SURE TO TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW BY CLICKING THE FACEBOOK, TWITTER AND GOOGLE+ BUTTONS RIGHT HERE BEFORE YOU GO!

P.S. If you’re cymatic artist, researcher or photographer already and would like to see your work or website promoted on the app when it comes out, we can do that! Just be sure to put your name into the right field on the kickstarter page here.

Thanks everyone for your help in getting this project off the ground. Your advice and encouragement have been terrific.

I’ll update you tomorrow on how the project is going! :-)



{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Doug Gray August 25, 2012 at 8:31 am

Hi i would like to be involved!
I have already done a lot of related work which you can view here.

Just input a SoundCloud user name e.g.

Visuals can be changed by clicking the down arrow on the controls.

Built in Adobe Flash in a few days. Which means it can be made into an app for Web/Desktop/Android/IOS/Connected TVs very easily.



contje April 15, 2014 at 4:38 am

I have a app for cymatics but unfortionate the app does only software rendering so it tend to be very slow and it looks not as interesting to few particles so i want your app for android



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