John Beaulieu: Cymatics, Tuning Forks and Nitric Oxide

by Jodina Meehan on November 14, 2008

Find more videos like this on School of Cymatics

John Beaulieu talks about cymatics, his work with tuning forks and nitric oxide in this short but fascinating interview he was kind enough to grant me at the Cymatics conference in Atlanta this year.

Watch it now (it’s only about 2 minutes long) and you will find out:

  • what nitric oxide is (hint: your body is cycling it now every 6 minutes)
  • why it’s important to keep it cycling or “puffing” better
  • how tuning forks can ”jump start” your nitric oxide cycles
  • one way you can get your nitric oxide puffing better right now
  • how to learn more about sound and cymatics from John Beaulieu

John’s sound studies and sound school are on the leading edge of cymatics research and practice today so if you are at all interested in cymatics you definitely need to see this video (and take notes).


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Sound Healing | Journal of Cymatics
January 31, 2010 at 11:00 am

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Matthew March 6, 2010 at 1:10 am

Thank you for posting this.

As one who works more intuitively with sound as a tool for healing and shifting consciousness, it is good to see the research that affirms the value of what we offer.



Craig Addy December 13, 2010 at 7:06 am

I am so excited to have discovered your blog. While my primary passion as a musician is to create beautiful music and a beautiful experience for the listener, I have created an experience for clients that definitely has therapeutic affects on most of them. An individual or a couple lies underneath my grand piano and I then improvise music for 45 minutes. It is like a sound massage. Many clients find it so relaxing they nearly fall asleep and some can feel the vibrations in their bodies after the session is completed. I look forward to exploring your blog and John Beaulieu’s site as well. Needless to say, I will likely a whole treasure trove of things to explore here on your blog.



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