Cymatics & The Da Vinci Code Featured On The Discovery Channel

June 8, 2013

Cymatics was recently featured on the Discovery channel, in this special documentary on the true story behind The Da Vinci Code, with a focus on the Rosslyn Chapel.
The section that is specifically about cymatics comes in at 35:05 in this video, although the entire documentary is interesting if you have the time to [...]

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Piano Notes Captured With Cymatics

May 15, 2013

Daniel Reed of Sheffield, UK has used metal cymatics plates to create a series of cymatics images of piano notes.
Of his project, Daniel says:
“Each note or sound has a frequency and Hz value, specific equipment allowed me to play each note into a plate which vibrated. In order to get a visable pattern, sand [...]

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Two Cymatics DVDs To Watch

April 30, 2013

Cymatics DVDs are rare, but here are two worth watching, from two of the most respected cymatics creators in the world.
The first is Hans Jenny’s “Soundscapes” and “Bringing Matter To Life With Sound.” This cymatics DVD was originally filmed by Hans Jenny (who coined the word “cymatics”) in his laboratory, and definitely has an [...]

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DIY Cymatics In Water: A Simple Setup

April 27, 2013

There are several ways to make cymatics in water. Personally I have more experience with making cymatics images with sand and salt, but while experimenting with my cymatics voicebox I discovered a very simple way to make DIY cymatics with water that you can do without any wiring or electronics skills.
Here you [...]

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School Of Cymatics Showcase: Tim Chrepta

April 4, 2013

Today’s cymatics showcase features the work of Tim Chrepta, a member of the School of Cymatics.
Tim joined the School in February and is based in Philadelphia, PA.
The cymatics images he has created are striking and beautifully photographed. Please remember that they are copyright images and belong to the artist.
If you have a question or comment [...]

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Cymatics: Sandwave Theatre

March 19, 2013

Athena Choi, an artist based in Hong Kong, has created a cymatics project called “Sandwave Theatre” using colored sugars on a clear surface. She says:
“When science and art are combined, Sandwave is born. The music installation converts sound waves into visible patterns, is based on cymatics study, but adapted with some extra [...]

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Cymatics Eye Candy

March 15, 2013

Sometimes I just want to sit and watch some amazing cymatics images and I thought you probably do too.
So here are 3 beautiful cymatics videos for your viewing pleasure.
If you get inspired to make your own cymatics, here’s a DIY cymatics voicebox you can make in your home or studio, with [...]

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DIY Cymatics Voicebox Plans Now Available

March 4, 2013

Announcement: If you’ve been wanting to make your own cymatics voicebox like the one in this photo, good news! The complete step-by-step DIY Cymatics Voicebox Course has finally been completed and is now available for download.
The cymatics voicebox allows users to sing, play an instrument, or stream frequencies and music from your [...]

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Cymatics Comes Of Age As An Emergent Science

February 25, 2013

A guest post by John Stuart Reid
John Stuart Reid, of, presents a perspective on Hans Jenny’s writings on cymatics and discusses how cymatics has come into play as a serious science. He introduces“The Mereon Matrix; Unity, Perspective and Paradox”, a 500-page book on natural and social science that will be published in May 2013 [...]

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Trumpet Cymatics Researcher Wins Prize

February 15, 2013

We have a winner! As the 400th student to join the School of Cymatics, Tim Chrepta has won the video course, How To Make A Cymatic Voicebox!
He will be receiving the first copy fresh “off the press” as the course has just been completed and will be offered for sale next week.
Tim is [...]

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