Cymatics DVDs are rare, but here are two worth watching, from two of the most respected cymatics creators in the world.
The first is Hans Jenny’s “Soundscapes” and “Bringing Matter To Life With Sound.” This cymatics DVD was originally filmed by Hans Jenny (who coined the word “cymatics”) in his laboratory, and definitely has an older look and feel.
It is fascinating to watch however, as the footage is some of the most amazing you will find, and his commentary, while rather academic in tone, can shed some detailed light for those with more than a casual interest in cymatics. The running time is 60 minutes and you can find it on Amazon.
“Hidden World Cymatics” is the second cymatics DVD (also available on Amazon) and is by Alexander Lauterwasser.
At a running time of just 5 minutes, it is a short cymatics DVD, but still well worth seeing for the amazing visuals of Lauterwasser’s work, as well as the good overview of the history of cymatics. The footage also includes the German photographer’s custom built cymatics equipment, and his views on cymatics and nature.
The shorter running time makes this cymatics video lend itself well to a cymatics presentation such as in a classroom or as part of a cymatics lesson plan.
You can learn more about both cymatics DVDs (or order a copy for your library) by clicking here.