How To Play A Cymatics Plate

by Jodina Meehan on January 29, 2013

Recently a cymatics reader from Ireland wrote in with the question, “How can you achieve different notes/patterns?” on a cymatics plate, such as the handheld cymatics violin you see in the video here.

I want to answer that question and also give a couple tips on how to play a cymatics plate, as I recently shipped 6 of them out to various places around the world including France, and I also have made the instructions for how to make your own DIY cymatics plate available online.

The notes and cymatics images that you see on the plate are changed every time the bow moves to a different spot on the edge of the plate. The bow does not need to move far along the edge to create a different cymatics image, even though to our ears the sound seems similar.

As you can see in this cymatics video I do not move the bow very much further down the edge of the plate, yet the cymatics image changes completely. The position change is incremental, and so even in the space of twelve inches of plate edge, there is room for a great number of variation.

When playing a handheld cymatics plate of this type, there are 5 tips to keep in mind for smooth playing:

1. Make sure your bow has enough rosin on it.
2. Hold the bow very firmly in your hand (see video) and press it strongly on the edge of the plate.
3. Pull the bow slowly along the flat edge of the plate, let it “catch” on the edge of the plate and create vibration, then pull steadily at the same rate. Don’t try to pull too quickly or softly.
4. If your plate moves around or turns, you can steady it with a finger or two underneath near the handle.
5. After a few designs the salt will be pretty thin, so go ahead and pour on more salt.

That is it, follow these steps and you should be able to make many different beautiful designs. If you would like to learn how to build your own DIY cymatics plate (floor model) you can download instructions here.


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Roslyn Tanner December 4, 2013 at 2:13 am

Hi Jodina, I enjoy receiving your emails. They are very informative and you show a variety about what people are up to in the world of cymatics.
I have a Question: what have you found out about cymatics and gravity? I was fascinated by Dr Hans Jenny’s work with the Cym. plate and fillings staying on the plate when tilted they stayed on with sound.
Thankyou, Roslyn.



Gogo February 17, 2016 at 7:15 pm


I need some goals for Cymatic plz



Alejandro Junco May 29, 2016 at 10:33 pm

Hi Jodina,
Just to tell you how much I appreciate your efforts to put the word out about cymatics, so important for people to have a better comprehension of the world as a whole. I’m a musician, now developing a way to use cymatic graphics in my live performances. Recorded a short video of me playing the guitar, generating graphics live with a cymascope app. Hope you can check it out and let me know what do you think. (
Hope to hear from you soon! Take care.


Jodina Meehan Reply:


that is a beautiful piece of music, thank you for sharing your work and the video.
How are you capturing the images and then transferring them to the projection
on the wall? it seems to be working well, I wonder how your setup works.
thank you,


Alejandro Junco Reply:

Thanks for your kind words about my music.
Well, first I downloaded the cymascope app to my mini ipad and place the ipad in front of my amplifier; then I plug in the ipad to a qumi mini projector and point it to a wall. So when I play, the app pick up the sound from the amp and the graphic generated for each note is projected and you can see it in the wall. And I do the same for live performances, ’cause it really looks great and gives me the chance to talk to the people about cymatics and how music (sound) really transforms matter. Let me know how it works for you. Hope to meet you one day and share more information.
Best regards,



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