iPhone Cymatics App Accepted!

by Jodina Meehan on December 27, 2011

Cymatics On Steel by Jodina Meehan

Quick announcement on the status of the iPhone app:

The proposal I submitted to Kickstarter for the creation of a cymatics app for the iPhone and iPad has been accepted, so now it’s just a matter of getting the project completed and up at Kickstarter for funding!

So, that’s what I’ll be working on in the next few days…

Here’s where YOU come in:

I am in the process of laying out what kinds of “perks and prizes” will be available for all levels of cymatics app supporters (Kickstarter has a system of pledges and rewards, so everyone who donates to a project gets something in return).

What I need to know now is, what types of cymatics rewards would YOU be most interested in if you end up donating to the cymatics app project?

Some of the things I’ve thought would be of interest are the cymatics app itself, cymatics DVDs, a copy of the book “Cymatics” by Hans Jenny, and maybe some prints of my own cymatics work…but what do you think?

What would you find most exciting to own from the world of cymatics?

Let me know in a comment below and I’ll consider adding it to my list of rewards for the Kickstarter project…

Thanks in advance for your input!
- Jodina

P.S. And a big, big THANK YOU to everyone who submitted their ideas for the cymatics app in my previous post! You had some terrific ideas I hadn’t thought of, and I will definitely be including many of them in the app when it gets built.

P.P.S. Know of anyone else who would be interested in the cymatics iPhone app project? You can help spread the word and make the project a success right here and now – hit the Like, Google+ and Tweet buttons you see just below this post. Thanks!


{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

j dalhouse December 28, 2011 at 4:42 pm

I did’nt read the previous ideas so I apologize if i am repeating any, but the ability to view a range of sounds from programmed tones and chords using ancient solfeggios would be interesting. So would the capacity to view in real time what your voice looks like “cymatically”, with the ability to modulate it and other sounds too. Having the ability to play your favourite mp3s and see how concordant/discordant they are would be fun as well. If I had a cymatic app, that is what i would want to see in it. .



Arthur Cataldo December 28, 2011 at 6:11 pm

I like the perks you’ve listed. Also like J Dalhouse’s idea of cymatics of the Solfeggio tones.
Happy New Year!



Justin December 28, 2011 at 9:48 pm

I agree with the comments above. Those sound like great ideas. I also agree with your suggestions for gifts. I realize I’m not adding anything to the discussion, but I wanted to support the ideas that have been suggested so far.

Good luck!



Charles December 28, 2011 at 11:29 pm

For me the App would be the best reward :) Looking forward to seeing your project on Kickstarter


Ed Reply:

Agree. App is best award.



Steve Voller December 29, 2011 at 4:34 pm

Hi Jodina!
I don’t yet have an iPhone (have Android), but am very excited about this. As to ‘rewards’, though i agree with Charles’ post that “the App would be the best reward”, perhaps your “how to build your own cymatics plate” package or parts of that package; that way folks may have a physical relationship/experience with what the digital experience. Thank you so much for your work/efforts!



Eric December 29, 2011 at 10:56 pm

A direct link to cafe press. Print your cymatics on t-shirts, mugs, hats, etc.



Eric December 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

Create cymatic patterns with your finger and have the app play what it might sound like. Be able to pick certain musical instruments to do the job. Cymatics in reverse.



Skye Lofvander March 1, 2014 at 5:12 pm

The whole concept of cymatics is really that the pattern reflects a sound through an additional media, air being the first media and the prerequisite for our perception of sound.
So to me it seems rather ironic if you want to make an app, where the pattern shown actually will be a reflection of how some random material and its dimensions may condition the arrangement of nodes and antinodes. It is really an unnecessary filter.
What you could do – and as I see it, much more relevant – is to leave this second filter out and instead make an app which directly reflects the nature of the sound with its content of harmonics:
An arrangement of concentric circles depicting wavelengths of fundamentals and harmonic overtones of the relevant sound.
You could find inspiration in Overtone Analyzer (www.sygyt.com) the output should just be arranged in a circular, aestethic manner.
Best wishes!



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