Call For Cymatics Music

by Jodina Meehan on July 22, 2011

cymatic plate Do you know of some cymatics related music, either a band using cymatics as inspiration, tracks called cymatics, or music that is used in creating cymatics art pieces?

If it’s music and it’s related to cymatics in some way, we want to hear about it!

I am currently helping to create a “cymatics channel” so that people interested in cymatics and music can go find everything out there all in one place, browse through it and find what they like.

Here’s what to do:

Submit any tips or links to websites, bands, tracks, or musical cymatics projects to me here in the comments section below.

If you would like to submit audio files or videos, you can do so at the School of Cymatics

You can also become a member of the School of Cymatics and create your own page for sharing cymatics projects and passions – if you haven’t done so yet, please do! We have over 200 members at the school so far and would love to have you join us.

Thank you, and I can’t wait to see (and hear) your ideas for adding to a “cymatics music channel”!


P.S. The photo above is of myself playing a handheld cymatic plate. If you would like to learn how to build a similar cymatic plate to play, you can get full instructions here.


{ 24 comments… read them below or add one }

Suzanne July 22, 2011 at 12:45 pm

Are you familiar with John Reid?



John Choma July 22, 2011 at 12:52 pm

Whales sing at the same wavelength as the neutrinos emitted by stars. This happy coincidence gave physicists the idea to share their undersea telescopes with marine biologists. By helping the development of a bioaccoustics network to monitor the deep sea environment, they have already enabled the discovery of the unexpected presence of sperm whales in the Mediterranean Sea. It is even possible to listen to the song of whales live from home with a personal computer connected to the web, thanks to the LIDO platform (Listen to the Deep Ocean)



Sara Jessica Corry July 22, 2011 at 2:10 pm

Hey! I am a composer, I’ve recently built a mechanically driven cymatics machine that I use for live music. I’ve written a few pieces for different plates in different mediums including: choir, violin, tunable synthesizer, saxophone, and trumpet. My first experimental piece for soprano saxophone, and two synthesizers was premiered last April at the University of Texas at Austin (here is the link if you want to view the preformance cymatic patterns included! Http:// ) I’m also in the process of writing more music for this media pairing. The actual interaction between the notated music and the resonating frequencies are the main problems one encounters combining these types of media. I’ve come up with a handful of slolutions, if any musicians or cymatics fans want to collaborate or would like a copy of my music please feel free to contact me. Also, I have a cymatics in music concert series in the works if anyone would be interested!



Eric peirce July 22, 2011 at 7:27 pm

Iron Butterfly!!
I am looking to set up the cymaticscope to the projector for my kids band. I wonder what Rush’s ‘Limelight’ looks like?



Lorraine July 22, 2011 at 11:38 pm
John Staurt Reid July 23, 2011 at 1:55 pm

Hi Jodina, we are in the process of imaging all 88 notes of the piano on the CymaScope, in real time video. You can see the first few notes in our “CymaPiano” in our musicology section:
This work was initially commissioned by New Zealand artist, Shannon Novak. There are also stories in our Breaking News section on art inspired by cymatics. See for example the cymatic art of Ray Pierotti: (scroll down until you reach the story on Ray. Best wishes, John


Jodina Meehan Reply:

That sounds like a very cool project! I will definitely check it out.
Thanks for writing, John!



Myrk Kauna July 23, 2011 at 3:26 pm
John July 24, 2011 at 8:13 pm

I have a few tracks on my website I have been curious if they have any cymatic value.

There are a lot of track and of various genres.
Please feel free to play around with them. you can play them right from the site. or contact me via email or through reverbnation and I can send you a track directly if need be.
Who knows maybe they will prove interesting.



Jeremy Pfeiffer July 24, 2011 at 10:40 pm

Native American Church Healing Chant

BADS by The Velvet Underground and Nico

Prodigal Sun The Black Angels
(A forced boundry condition Klymatic Transposition)

Music of the Spheres Cymatics iPhone App



xxxA July 26, 2011 at 12:22 am
Jan Zehn July 28, 2011 at 9:35 am

Hi Jodina,

thank you, nice to hear from you again!

I’m the founder of the CymaSonics sound project, using cymatical pricipicles in an geometrical advanced electro-acoustic way in order to create spatial sound fields. In difference to classical cymatics, we use the air as the vibrated medium which is naturally known also to deliver sound to our ears. And the second difference to cymatics in their classical way is that we use methods to create complex 3dimensional vibrational patterns resulting in 3dimensional soundfields or spatial soundplastics means: they are becoming ‘visible’ to your ears in space.

In 1999 I founded my first CymaSonics Music production studio and since that time there were a lot of interesting projects realized and some hundrets of hours of cymasonical sound produced. You get a very short overview of the time since that by going to the cymasonics page on our project website at:
Over there you may also download a nice CymaSonics audio demonstration sampler & tracklist delivering selected pieces of cymatical music produced till 2006.

In 2009 I founded this new CyMatrix project together with a friend and we started to create professional software from the cymasonical theory and produced some more audio-visual stuff finally leading to our first FulldomeAudio-animated Video clip „CymaSonics – Matrix Optimizer 1.0.1“ we presented at the Fulldome Festival Jena 2010. After developing another new real-time software – the CymaSonics Modular Workbench – this year we presented a first direct 3d-audio-visualizing piece of fulldome movie „Liszt from Space“ based on the original musical notes from Franz Liszt’s „Ballade No. 2“. If you enter you are lead to visit the related youtube page where all our published works are filed.

Watch our movies, scan through the what’s new page, see the projects, download your first CymaSonics music CD …. and listen to all of it on a good stereo!

I’m very interested to read about your and your friends impressions and – of course – about what more detailed informations you may need from us to add this futuristic sound art project to your Cymatics Music Channel. I like that idea.

So, have fun!

With the best wishes




cymatics September 14, 2011 at 7:52 pm

I named my music after it… x



Gary Robert Buchanan December 29, 2011 at 8:24 pm

You may find at least four Cymatic videos of music creating wave fronts on my You Tube channel, “sonatherapy.” Bests,



Alan Tower January 20, 2012 at 2:55 am

I am playing a new instrument out of Germany called
the Soundstone.
Possibly because it produces acoustic sine waves vs. harmonically complex waves it ‘feels’ like there is something more specifically cymatic going on. Last night while playing I had geometric patterns going on in my minds eye, many different configurations that reminded me of cymatic images. I will pursue this line of inquiry further, but wanted to share it with you. I will be doing some recordings in a cathedral this month and can send them over later.



Sharon February 10, 2012 at 10:34 pm

I perform in an acoustic trio, our name is Kymatics and it was inspired by Cymatics :)



Ivo April 11, 2012 at 5:26 pm

Hi, I don’t know if you already saw it, but
I’m playing the didgeridoo on soap bubbles:

You can see my youtube channel:

The #2 video is on normal speed and with sound.

I’m now developing a special didgeridoo only for this :)
Hope to be able to post more videos soon.

Best Regards


Jodina Meehan Reply:

Thanks for writing! I can’t wait to see the new didge you create.
Be sure to send me video/description when it is done I would
love to post about it here.




alexa May 24, 2012 at 12:11 am

this video uses the spectrum and spectrogram of the song to produce chromakeyed patterns of symmetry. I hope you enjoy!
P.S this video and track were programmed in Mas/MSP Jitter by the artist Boxus.
I love your blog and am a student in the school of cymatics. Keep up the fantastic work!



Chris Davis June 19, 2012 at 7:57 am

I formed a band in Austin, Texas called The Cymatic.
The aim is to align on site cymatic display with abstract existential ponderings.
Here is the first video we have released.



Tony D. Slayton, STP June 24, 2012 at 12:18 pm

Hi Jodina. My web site is not ready for launching just yet. I have some work to do. So anyone reading this that ends up checking it out, please take all mistakes as, well, mistakes cause that’s what they are. This is my first year as a Practitioner and I am learning. I have Sound Wave Art posted where you may listen to samples and if you hear something you can use I will get it to you. I hope to spend more time soon learning about Cymatics. Peace to you. Tony Slayton.



Margaret Jacobi August 7, 2012 at 8:21 pm

Hi Jodina,

My name is Margaret Jacobi and I work in the editorial department at an internet radio company called BreakThru Radio. Our website offers radio podcasts, culture-centric videos, as well as published articles(where most of my work is conducted.) We organize our editorial content by theme weeks, and for our upcoming “sound week” I’m interested in writing a piece on the development and nature of cymatics. When I was researching the topic, I came across this site and was wondering if you might be available in the upcoming week for an interview via email or phone? I can’t tell you how much I would appreciate it.

Thanks so much,


Jodina Meehan Reply:

Hi Margaret, I would be glad to do an interview. I have sent you an email to work out the details.
thanks for writing!



Dr.Dhananjay Dongre October 24, 2012 at 2:15 pm

Hello, is my web page showing effects of mantra chanting on human aura as seen by an aura reader.He happens to be a commercial artist also. But he has no knoledge about mantras at all. I chant mantras, He observes & immediately draws what he sees, on computer. Effects on listeners is also shown therein. Eager to know your comments. Thanks.
Dr.Dhananjay Dongre



Jessie Edsall April 4, 2014 at 8:52 pm

I’ve been doing a lot of work with cymatic sound visualization including live shows. Check out my site!


Jessie Edsall Reply:



OSCAR HERNAN GUZMAN November 5, 2015 at 3:11 am




Music Alchemy February 4, 2016 at 5:43 pm
Hello Jodie! Here is my 432cps hit song Blaze Blaze Blaze. My bandcamp site has a download link for the entire album as well. This frequency has healed me and assisted me to heal others in Music Alchemy events now held monthly at the Music Alchemy Academy and Retreat.
The song won awards before it was released at


Jodina Meehan Reply:

thank you for writing in and sharing your music! I will listen to it as soon as I can :-)



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