Cymatics Video Using iPhone Frequencies

by Jodina Meehan on November 12, 2010

This is a cymatics video test I did for my last project, I was using a wave driver, small amp and an iphone app called the Oscillator 1.1.1 to create these cymatics images.

There are a few iphone apps that you can use to create frequency tones, but this one has produced the best results for me so far using this setup. The only problem is when someone calls me in the middle of doing a cymatics video!

PS If you’d like to get free cymatics video directions for making a cymatic sounder to see your voice, you can download them here.


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How To Get A Cymatics Wave Driver | Journal of Cymatics
March 29, 2011 at 11:08 am

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Ryan Weston January 25, 2015 at 1:54 am

Hey, I have had a vibration generator with vibration plates for over a year now and I haven’t used it once. I have always thought I needed a high powered function generator which seems to be a pricey investment. The Vibration generator I have does not have its own power source. Can I still find a way to use my iphone?


Jodina Meehan Reply:


Can you explain your vibration generator in more detail? What does it look like? How does it currently function? I am thinking you may be able to use a mic to input from various sound sources (not just a phone) but I would need to know more about the device first. Write back and I will see how I can help. Thanks!



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