Cirque Du Soleil Cymatics

by Jodina Meehan on October 15, 2010

Cymatics now has a place in a Cirque Du Soleil show!

Over the past few months I have been working on a cymatics commission for Cirque Du Soleil, a film clip of cymatics footage to be used in the new show “TOTEM.”

The finished cymatics piece has been approved and is now in TOTEM, which is currently playing in the Netherlands. It will be coming back to the United States this spring.

I worked with Pedro Pires, the “image content designer” for the show. It was an honor to work with Pedro who has won an Emmy for outstanding visual effects and was artistic director of visual effects for the film The Red Violin. You can hear him talking about creating images for TOTEM in the video clip above.

The cymatics images I created for Cirque Du Soleil involved a circular cymatics plate with salt, vibrated by a wave driver. The images needed to have sufficient resolution to be projected about 20 feet in width, down into the ring and over the performers in the show.

It is exciting to know that cymatics is now featured in an international Cirque Du Soleil show, to be seen by thousands of people around the world over the next few years.

-Jodina Meehan

If you would like to learn how to create circular cymatics images with your voice, click here for free instructions.


{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Jedi Mind Traveler October 15, 2010 at 1:24 pm

That’s cool – only a matter of time before interactive cymatics displays are common place. I’m really interested in hooking up instruments or simply microphones to cymatics devices to produce visualizations like you see on youtube. Jodina, do you have any tips on how to build one of these? I’ve learned that Glycerine on a speaker cone is what is used to make the liquid very dynamic and fast moving. It’s surprisingly hard to find info on how to actually build one of these. (basically a cheap homemade cymascope) Thanks!



rocio silleras October 19, 2010 at 10:17 am

wow! jodina!
it’s incredible! working with the Cirque du solei!
it seems like a dream!
I’m doing a PhD in Sound Art in the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) and certain sections of my thesis research on Cymatics. It would be a great pleasure if we could discuss these issues in depth. Even to include some of your works.
if you want, of course!
I leave my mail:
sound greetings!



Jaqueline September 27, 2012 at 2:59 am

Wow!! Congratulation, Jodina!



Kasyati August 7, 2014 at 6:28 pm

I heard that Kooza is awesome, some frdneis that have gone to a bunch of different ones called it their favorite wish we could’ve seen it before we left. On the scale of entertaining evenings I think all Cirque shows are clustered way up at the top but Totem was on the low end of Cirque shows unfortunately.



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