Cymatics Demonstration in San Diego

by Jodina Meehan on February 4, 2010

There will be a multi-media presentation on cymatics at the Controversial Bookstore in Northpark in San Diego tomorrow, February 5th, 2010. Cymatics publisher Jeff Volk will be giving a demonstration and explanation of cymatics, live and in person, as well as discussing the creative potential of sound and vibration. An excellent introduction to the nature of sound waves for kids and adults.

What: Presentation on Cymatics and Resonance: Tuning In to the Subtle Vibrations of Sound Health. A multi-media presentation by poet, producer and cymatics publisher Jeff Volk

When: Friday, Feb. 5, 2010, 7 – 9 p.m.

Where: Controversial Bookstore (located in Northpark) 3063 University Ave., San Diego, CA 92104

Tickets: $20

Contact: 619-296-1560

Jeff Volk is the publisher of “Cymatics” by Hans Jenny, as well as “Water Sound Images” by Alexander Lauterwasser. He is also the producer of a series of videos based on Dr. Hans Jenny’s pioneering cymatics experiments, and has been working with and teaching about cymatics for the past 25 years.

Note from the editor: I have personally attended two of Mr. Volk’s cymatics demonstrations and they are both inspirational and infomative. This will also be a great demonstration of the nature of sound waves for kids, and would make a good educational outing for children (who are old enough to listen quietly). I would recommend if you are anywhere in the area, that you do what you can to see this wonderful cymatics demonstration.


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jeff volk February 4, 2010 at 4:22 pm

Hey Jodi:

Thanks for keeping an eye out for all things Cymatic!
I’ve had, and will have today, a number of meetings with really interesting folks re: various applications of Cymatics, so this promises to be a really interesting and exciting presentation.

Thanks again for your PR assist.





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