Cymatics Around Us: Is Your House “Sound?”

by Jodina Meehan on October 13, 2009

snowflakes on plastic (enlarged photo)

snowflakes on plastic (enlarged photo)

Ever wonder why we (or, at least a whole lot of us) like being around wood, glass and stone better than plastic?

Take a look at the photo above, of snowflakes magnified on the plastic lid of a garbage can. Notice the geometrically “sound” form of the snowflakes, vs. the globular, chaotic structure of the blue plastic underneath.

In the last few months I have been looking around my home and gradually weeding out all the plastics, and replacing them with wood, glass or metal objects as much as possible.


Because I would rather live in a “cymatic household” than a chaotic one (breakfast time aside).

Even aside from the environmental impact of non-biodegradable plastics on the environment, I would rather be surrounded by geometrically sound, wave-conducting objects that I “resonate” with, than chaotic globs that are no longer able to conduct vibration because they have had the geometry crushed out of them (otherwise known as plastic).

One of the things that cymatics makes us aware of is the geometry of sound and other inaudible waves, visible on a 1 to 1 scale. However, if we look at objects surrounding us under a microscope (as in Masaru Emoto’s work) we can see that most natural things at their material base are geometric in structure.

Are we on some level aware of the vibration, or wave conduction, in materials around us all the time, not only when we see cymatics demonstrated visually?

If so, I would rather be sitting at a wooden kitchen table than a plastic one. I would rather use a glass container for storage than a plastic one. I would rather be surrounded by cymatically sound objects than cymatically dead objects.

What about you?


photo of snowflakes on plastic by StellaRetriever


{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Celeste Crago October 16, 2009 at 11:56 am

Ahhh, I get it! My repulsion to plastic has been explained. As I sit here at my computer and glance around my view, I see my bread stored in a beautiful glass container, green which reminds me of nature. I love to drink from my Mexican glassware. I only have 4 plastic glasses I keep in my cupboard for when the neighborhood boys are over hanging in the backyard. I am repulsed when I open my cabinet and see them, even though I like the colors. The site of plastic chairs and tables has always made me cringe. Natural materials give my energy a zing. I am thrilled with Masuro Emoto’s work. Cymatics needs to be taught in school!


Charla Reply:

Your dream is coming true as you speak.
I am a music teacher and music therapist.
I have been fascinated with cymatics since my Uni professor showed me a film in 1986. Now, I teach at an international baccalaureate school which is transdisciplinary.
I integrate music and cymatics in my lessons. I am in the process of re-writing the entire schools music curriculum from primary school to graduation. Cymatics, entrainment, and the brain will be incorporated throughout.
Awakening the students world from their ideas of the microcosm to the macrocosm and connecting it all.
“Why do humans make music” is a major deep inquiry for us.
Got anything you want to share with me for my process???
Share away!



Jodina Meehan October 17, 2009 at 11:48 am

Thanks for writing, Celeste! Good to meet you. I agree with your comment, “cymatics needs to be taught in school” – that is one of my dreams too. I believe someday it will, if millions of people know about it.

You can help spread the word about cymatics, including how to make your household more “cymatic” by forwarding my email about “snowflakes and cymatics” or by sending a link to the Journal of Cymatics to your friends.

Also – you can join the first School of Cymatics by clicking the link in the top right corner of the site here! Enjoy the beautiful pictures and videos by our members there… –Jodina


Jon Reply:

Hey Jodina,
I live in Cambridge and have been fascinated by cymatics since I became aware of it’s existence. I’m so glad I found your videos and newsletter to continue to grow and support my interest! I substitute teach at a private school around here and they recently have done a science experiment in the 4th grade with building drums and sprinkling sugar on the membrane to make the vibrations visably observable. I’m hoping to be able to do a brief cymatics demo with them to expand on this an give them the sense of excitement, wonder and curiousity that cymatics has stirred in me. I plan on making a sounder to show them as well as a modded subwoofer perhaps. I already plan on referring to what you have produced on this website to put this together, but ifvyou had any thoughts about what to include I’d love to hear them!



Omar M. OM November 12, 2009 at 9:53 pm

All this things, lead us to “understand” a basic and ancient principle, as above so below, and everything is a kind of vibration, micro and macro things.



Alexandru Roman October 22, 2015 at 5:42 am

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
John 1:1



OSCAR HERNAN GUZMAN October 28, 2015 at 11:36 am




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