Cymatics on TED: Talk by Evan Grant

by Jodina Meehan on September 22, 2009

Evan Grant on TED

Recently a brief talk on Cymatics was given by Evan Grant. His presentation was based on research and documentation conducted by John Reid and Eric Larson, who have continued the investigation of cymatics begun in the 60’s by Hans Jenny.

The most exciting thing about this talk for me is that it was showcased on TED – which means that Cymatics will reach thousands more people through their already far-reaching network of listeners.

Watch the video, and also note the high level of interest in cymatics in the comments on the page.

One commentator wondered about the use of cymatics with people who cannot speak or hear in the usual way…

In fact, this is exactly what the Tonascope is used for, and has been for years – hearing impaired people look at the shapes formed on a Tonascope by voices saying letters, then are able to form sounds more precisely themselves by recreating the visual patterns.

You can learn how to build your own Tonascope (what I call a Cymatic Sounder) with 3 simple objects HERE


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Archived from FriendFeed .. today – Zen Werewolf
September 23, 2009 at 2:06 am

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

helen April 6, 2010 at 6:53 am

hi jodina, is it a video interview,?it wont let me watch.thanks helen


Jodina Meehan Reply:

Hi Helen, sorry you are having trouble watching the video. It is working for me, if you give me some more info on what happens when you try to watch it I may be able to help. What exactly happens when you try to watch the video? Also, what browser are you using?

thank you,



Jodina Meehan August 23, 2013 at 1:22 pm

Hi, I am sorry that it’s not what you expected, but here’s the good news.
There didn’t need to be 10 pages, because it’s a very simple device. If
it were complicated, it would need more explanation, but it isn’t :-)

On the youtube issue: It is not practical to send videos through
email, so all videos that you get with courses online will be
hosted with a service you will need to sign in to view. Mine
are on youtube for the most part, some are on viddler.
Either way you have to sign in to see them. Fortunately,
youtube does not send email usually, so you won’t be
getting a bunch of notifications. Is there another reason
you don’t want to sign into youtube? You will be missing
a lot of great (including cymatics) videos if you don’t…



oazis zoller January 28, 2014 at 12:25 pm

Dear Jodina
I love your magazine , It is also so important for humanity.
I will like to share with you my experiments with quiet wave cymatics.

Best to all



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