Special Journal of Cymatics Editor’s Post:
Guess what? The Journal of Cymatics is rapidly growing and building a following of ‘cymatic fanatics’ all over the world! We have followers in France, Mexico, Germany, Austria, California, NYC, Estonia, the Netherlands, and many many more countries as of today. And…
We are currently at 399 subscribers. That means YOU could be the 400th if you sign up for a FREE subscription today. And that means…
If you are the 400th subscriber to the Journal of Cymatics, you will win a copy of my brand new course on How To Build A Cymatic Plate (normally sells for $27)! Plus, I will send you a ceramic CYMATICS coffee cup in the mail.
So sign up today! Those step-by-step instructions could be yours…and even if you aren’t quite the 400th, you will still walk away with a totally free and awesome subscription to the Journal of Cymatics where you’ll stay up to date and informed on the latest exciting cymatics news from around the world.
Just put your name and email in the upper right hand corner on this site. That’s it, you’re in.
Good Luck!
Editor, Journal of Cymatics