Cover of WasserMusik by Alexander Lauterwasser
“WasserMusik” (2005) is as beautiful a book as “Water Sound Images,” the only drawback (for me) being that it is currently only in German.
However that does not detract from the beautiful new sets of cymatics images, and if you are hungry for more beautiful cymatic images, Alexander Laterwasser’s newer cymatics book would be the best place to find a treasure trove of cymatics images you have not seen before.
Alexander Lauterwasser’s most recent project is his newly published book about the turtle titled, “Das Geheimnisder Schildkrote” – which is also only in German currently. As he explained in a personal note recently, he wrote his new book about the turtle because it is what inspired his interest in Hans Jenny, and his own work in cymatics, in the first place.
You can view all of Alexander Lauterwasser’s books related to cymatics here.
Amazon is also a good place to find cymatics books by Alexander Lauterwasser; however you will not find his latest book about the turtle there.
You can watch my video review of Alexander Lauterwasser’s “Water Sound Images” here.
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