See Cymatics Live In Salem

March 22, 2012

Mark your calendars for Sunday, April 22nd: Jeff Volk will be giving a live presentation on cymatics and water at The Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Mass.
It’s all part of a larger exhibition in the Art and Nature center at the museum called Ripple Effect, The Art Of H2O and will include “water [...]

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Cymatics On A Didgeridoo

March 15, 2012

Here’s a cool video created by one of our students over at the School of Cymatics, Ivo Dias Caim. Take a look at how the sound waves shape the bubble – which would normally be perfectly round!
You can see more cymatics videos on his page at the School of Cymatics here. (You can also [...]

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iPhone Cymatics App Accepted!

December 27, 2011

Quick announcement on the status of the iPhone app:
The proposal I submitted to Kickstarter for the creation of a cymatics app for the iPhone and iPad has been accepted, so now it’s just a matter of getting the project completed and up at Kickstarter for funding!
So, that’s what I’ll be working on [...]

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Publisher of “Cymatics” To Give LIVE Multimedia Presentation

September 15, 2011

ANNOUNCEMENT: This Friday, September 16 in Longmont, Colorado, Jeff Volk will give a live multimedia presentation called “Cymatics and Resonance: Tuning In to the SubtleVibrations of Sound Health”
The event will be held on Friday, September 16, 7:00 – 9:30 pm at Solar Yoga, 645 Tenacity Drive, Longmont, CO
$20 if registered by Sept. [...]

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Cymatics And Sound Healing

July 30, 2011

“Can cymatics be used for positive health benefits?”
- Dennis Chino
Absolutely. The study of sound waves and how it affects matter has been connected to the medical and alternative medicine fields for at least as long as the term “cymatics” has existed (actually longer).
There have been many studies conducted as well as thriving [...]

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Cymatics Video: Mozart Music Patterns

July 23, 2011

This is an excellent video made by Suzanne Tribe, a student over at the School of Cymatics.
She built a homemade tonascope using PVC (like in these diy cymatics instructions), then invited a friend to sing Mozart’s “Una Donna a Quindici Anni” through the pipe. Watch this video to see how they achieved some beautiful [...]

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Call For Cymatics Music

July 22, 2011

Do you know of some cymatics related music, either a band using cymatics as inspiration, tracks called cymatics, or music that is used in creating cymatics art pieces?
If it’s music and it’s related to cymatics in some way, we want to hear about it!
I am currently helping to create a “cymatics channel” [...]

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How To Get A Cymatics Wave Driver

March 29, 2011

If you would like to begin building your own cymatics device using electronics rather than a simple acoustic version, (such as the tonascope or plate and bow) the first thing you will need is a wave driver.
I was able to find this one, which I used in my project for Cirque Du Soliel, at [...]

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Cymatics Video Using iPhone Frequencies

November 12, 2010

This is a cymatics video test I did for my last project, I was using a wave driver, small amp and an iphone app called the Oscillator 1.1.1 to create these cymatics images.
There are a few iphone apps that you can use to create frequency tones, but this one has produced the best results [...]

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Cirque Du Soleil Cymatics

October 15, 2010

Cymatics now has a place in a Cirque Du Soleil show!
Over the past few months I have been working on a cymatics commission for Cirque Du Soleil, a film clip of cymatics footage to be used in the new show “TOTEM.”
The finished cymatics piece has been approved and is now in TOTEM, which [...]

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