Piano Notes Captured With Cymatics

by Jodina Meehan on May 15, 2013

cymatics images

Image by Daniel Reed

Daniel Reed of Sheffield, UK has used metal cymatics plates to create a series of cymatics images of piano notes.

Of his project, Daniel says:

“Each note or sound has a frequency and Hz value, specific equipment allowed me to play each note into a plate which vibrated. In order to get a visable pattern, sand is poured on top of the plate, when the note is played the sand settles and forms the shapes…

“This project shows the visual results of the experiment, I will be using the shapes to form a larger idea but wanted to simply present the results as they were such interesting patterns.”

Click here to see all the images Daniel created of the single piano notes using cymatics.

P.S. You can capture your own musical images using cymatics with this original cymatics voicebox. To see a video of the cymatics voicebox and find out how to make one, click here.

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

A.Makote DeGuevara May 16, 2013 at 5:14 pm

Hi Jodina,

I would like to make one of these for a tanpura. Do you think it is possible?


Jodina Meehan Reply:

It probably is…can you tell me what a tanpura is? :-)


Jodina Reply:

Ok, I see what a tanpura is. Of course I just needed to look it up. I would love to see what images that would make. You can do it, of course, the only question is what you want to use for your device to create the images. Let me know what resources you have (your budget, construction abilities and if you can order things online) and I will suggest a best option for you!



helen May 20, 2013 at 8:25 pm

ancient wisdom and science meet.
thank you so much for all the latest information in cymatics.



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