DIY Cymatics Voicebox Plans Now Available

by Jodina Meehan on March 4, 2013

cymatics voicebox Announcement: If you’ve been wanting to make your own cymatics voicebox like the one in this photo, good news! The complete step-by-step DIY Cymatics Voicebox Course has finally been completed and is now available for download.

The cymatics voicebox allows users to sing, play an instrument, or stream frequencies and music from your computer into the voicebox and see complex, beautiful cymatics designs. The designs will also remain on the top of the voicebox when the sound is paused, so it is easy to take still photos of the cymatics images, or take video of the designs while in motion.

Click here to see a video of the cymatics voicebox in action (scroll down the page a bit).

Because this cymatics device requires no knowledge of electronics and does not require wiring or soldering, it is a great cymatics project for kids (with adult assistance) as well.

The plans include a step-by-step video, complete printable instructions and 3 downloadable cymatics bonuses. Click here to order a copy and start building your cymatics voicebox today!


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DIY Cymatics In Water: A Simple Setup | Journal of Cymatics
April 27, 2013 at 11:06 am

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