How To Get A Cymatics Wave Driver

by Jodina Meehan on March 29, 2011

cymatics wave driver
If you would like to begin building your own cymatics device using electronics rather than a simple acoustic version, (such as the tonascope or plate and bow) the first thing you will need is a wave driver.

I was able to find this one, which I used in my project for Cirque Du Soliel, at Pasco Scientific.

It has an “arm” which you can place any type of plate on as long as it has a hole drilled in the exact center. I tried a glass plate, a thick steel plate and a thin round steel plate (which is what I ended up using for my cymatics project).

Here is the link to the page featuring this wave driver at Pasco

If you are thinking of using this wave driver to create a cymatics device write in on the comments here and I can provide more detailed information.

The wave driver is one component of the electronic cymatics setup I use to create visual patterns from pure frequencies and music pieces such as you can see in this video.


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Cymatics Devices: Four Models That Work | Journal of Cymatics
February 8, 2013 at 12:01 pm

{ 14 comments… read them below or add one }

Jacob Adlington April 19, 2011 at 2:36 am

Hey Jodina,
Over the last year I have been looking at alot of work and sites you’re involved with. I have been studying Audio Engineering, and descovering cymatics through you has sparked a great intrest in me. I think cymatics speaks much more than just beautiful geometric forms, Which is why now I feel so strongly about cymatics and I really want to create Cymatic Art!
I have been trying to build a set up using a waveform generator and trying to figure out a way to capture the images, But no luck yet!
This Driver seems perfect though, Do you know if there is any way I could get one? I live in New Zealand, and I cannot find anything like this here so far.
Any Help, Advice or suggestions would be much appreciated,
Many thanks,
Jacob, New Zealand


Matt Reply:

I have an Idea of how to record the images, but I need a wave driver setup.



Andy ilachinski May 29, 2011 at 2:48 am

I am a photographer / physicist, and am very intrigued about learning more of your setup. The pasco devicevseems perfect, with the right driver. Any guidance would be appreciated!



Andrew Bosan August 1, 2011 at 8:09 pm

Hello. I am very interested in the driver presented here. If you could inform me as to the means of getting one would be greatly appreciated.



BlackSoda August 31, 2011 at 6:13 pm

I am planning to build a set up using this wave driver. Any additional info would be most helpful.


Jodina Meehan Reply:

Hi –
Here’s a couple notes on that- go to
You can get a set of plates there too – look up chladni plates on their site. Ask them for the best type of small amp that you can hook a computer up to. Then you have computer amp and driver with plate connected.

Let me know if you have further questions …
- Jodina



damien September 3, 2012 at 9:40 am

im very interested in cin this in action! can u send me the links 2 purchase1.

regards damien



Victoria Moore February 23, 2013 at 11:43 am

I am interested in more detailed information on the wave driver, thanks!


Jodina Meehan Reply:

Hi – here’s a link to the sale page for the wave driver: what other info would you like me to help you with?



Peter March 3, 2013 at 9:34 am

Hi Jodina,
Do you know the cost of the Pasco wave driver? I can’t see prices on their website.
Thanks, Peter.


Jodina Meehan Reply:

Hi Peter,

The price is currently $249. I am not sure why you couldn’t see a price, but take a look at this link and let me know if you can see one now.



Sandra December 12, 2013 at 8:45 pm

I am a Phd researcher looking to determine the vibration signature of medicine captured in a unique device. I would like to see the cymatic representation of the signature which is in a WAV or MP3 file. I went to Pasco and spoke with a helper there – looked at the wave driver, an amp (function generator) and chladni plates (totaling about $1,000). I really want to interact about how best to put this together. Ideally, I would like a third party (like you?) to run an initial sound file through a device to see what shows up before I invest in the more detailed research. Is this something you can help me with??? Sandra



Dikkie Baan March 17, 2014 at 1:24 pm

Hey there,

I was really interested on having an electrical cymatics/chladni plate for an art installation. What is the average cost of a Wave Driver and what are the widest dimension useable for the plate when thin steel is used?

Thanks in advance




Jodina Meehan Reply:


A wave driver is about $250, you can see the one I have here:

The largest plate I use is about 24″ across, it’s fairly thin steel. You may be able to do larger with a thicker plate, but then getting
it to balance on that little arm will be tricky. Let me know if you have any other questions, thanks for writing!


Dikkie Baan Reply:

Thanks for your speedy reply! That’s all i need to know for know. I’ll post a demonstration of my installation once it’s finished in the comments. And if I have any other questions, I know were i need to be now!
Thanks again




Daniel April 1, 2014 at 8:24 pm

I am interested in purchasing the pasco wave driver, i wanted to make patterns using various analog synthesizers and or my computer software.

I am wondering what is a simple cheap amplifier i could use to power the pasco wave driver,

thank you!



Dikkie Baan April 9, 2014 at 2:32 pm

Hi Jodina,

I found the driver and other info on the pasco website, thanks for that!
I was wondering though, is there a way I can amplify the sound wave driver and input any type of source (ie music, bassline and such) instead of one frequency from a wave generator?
Like the interface that can be bought alongside, does that doe the trick.
I don’t really get the banana plugs, is there no way to work with quarter inch jack connections like a studio interface uses for in- and output?





Alee November 12, 2014 at 5:58 pm

I am a student from Sri Lanka, in the field of design and architecture. I am basing my senior project on the study of Cymatics and visualizing sound so that we can translate it into architectural form. I checked out the PASCO website, but the price is awfully high for me, as I have to purchase both the plates and the wave driver. Any chance I could purchase a second hand set from anyone? I have been looking to build my own, but I am slightly over powered by the mechanics of it.

Your help in both areas, would just be so so very much appreciated!!

Thank you :)


Jodina Meehan Reply:


Your work sounds very exciting! I would suggest going to the school of cymatics at and asking over there – lots of people working on projects
over there. (and membership is free). Best of luck, keep me posted and send pics
of your work as you progress! -Jodina



Mike November 18, 2014 at 10:11 pm

Hi does anyone have a link to a good/ not too expensive sine generator? THANKS!!!


Jodina Meehan Reply:

look up Pasco Scientific, they have a wave generator that I bought, with a cymatic plate kit to go with it…



Bruce Gaston June 20, 2018 at 3:38 am

Dear Jodina,
I have followed you on the net for some time now. Wonderful work you are doing. I am very interested in this wave driver from Pascoe.
I’m setting up a concert series dealing with the theatrical and healing dimensions of music and water i.e. images of frequencies based on my modern music flowing from ancient Thai music and meditation.
This is just to say hello as I have just seen your latest video and I must work with this Pascoe toy for a bit. But I am sure that I will need your advice along the way. How can I contact you other than this rather public forum?
Thank you,


Jodina Meehan Reply:

Hi bruce, sorry just saw this now! just to note it’s “Pasco” without the e, if you’re looking it up! In the meantime I am happy to help, however I can. look me up on facebook, Jodi Meehan (you’ll see me with a cymatic plate) and then you can write to me there…or PM me. thanks!



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