Closeup of a Cymatics Plate Being Played

by Jodina Meehan on December 10, 2008

Find more videos like this on School of Cymatics

I recorded this cymatics video to show a closeup view of what the salt actually looks like as it is moving around the vibrating plate.

The fascinating thing when watching cymatics is how the illusion of a solid form is created by vibration – matter holds what is a recognizable form that appears to be one shape – yet, when we look at it closeup, as in this video, you can see that the matter shaping the form is in constant motion, no one particle remaining in one place for even a fraction of a second, but incessantly changing places with the other particles. And yet it holds its shape…

The interesting point is to understand how this is happening all around and even within us at any given moment, within the shapes we perceive as “solid.”

Can you picture the incessant dance your cells are doing as they are in constant motion, continually exchanging particles and places, yet giving you the appearance of a solid, unchanging form?…


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

COSMOCTO June 4, 2009 at 12:55 am

I love the perspective of this video and the sound of the bow on the metal plate AND the way my head feels when the salt begins to dance into forms. I imagine it feels so nice to do it.




Jodina Meehan June 4, 2009 at 3:13 pm

Thanks for the message Danny!
Yes, it does feel great to play the plates, very trance-inducing. If you’d like to experience it come by the studio someday when I am there (like lunchtime) and you can play them yourself. — Jodi



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