Cymatics Q&A: How to Make a Tonascope

by Jodina Meehan on December 5, 2008

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In this video I talk about what a cymatics tonascope is (there seems to be some confusion about this out there, for example a metal plate and oscillator is not a ‘tonascope’) – and how you you can make one yourself.

A cymatics tonascope is used to make the human voice visible, and you can make one to experiment with and show your friends and family a live cymatics demonstration in under an hour. It should cost less than $20 altogether.

I made a cymatics tonascope just like the one I describe here for my cymatics art experiments, as well as a half-scale model for a 4 year old boy who loved it.

Children can easily play cymatics tonascopes and it is an excellent way for them to learn about sound waves and cymatics. Everyone’s voice will look different, and each voice will create many different patterns depending on how you “sing” into it.

One note: you don’t have to know how to sing to play a cymatics tonascope! If you can say “aaaa” “oooo” and “eeee” you will get some beautiful patterns!


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